Archive | March, 2011

My Other Half Has Been MIA. Have you seen him??

14 Mar

Alright, I know I’ve been COMPLETELY MIA for about three months or so.  I’m sure that the people who used to read this blog have since given up on keeping up with the messy story that my love life had become last year.  However I am sure that there are at least one two that really did enjoy my rants on men and keeping up with my groupie endevours so let’s jump in shall we?


December was a MESS.  After the Christmas party I kind of went into a camatose state.  Never really fully awake, I barely would make it through the day without crying.  Then once home i’d drink in order to sleep and STILL dream about work and all the people who had infultrated my peace of mind.  It just got to this point where I hated being away but couldnt even enjoy being asleep!!!  Every Taylor Swift song would cause me to cry in hysterics and there just wasnt anything I could really do except to marinate in this dark state of depression I had buried myself within.  Towards the end of the month I decided that I couldn’t do it anymore.  Work was getting to me, seeing people that I didnt want to see was just agonizing and I made a promise to myself.  I would COMPLETELY start over in January.  The moment midnight hit I would let the magic of a new year take over.  It would be a clean slate. Anyone that I knew that pissed me off in 2010 DID NOT exist.  Anything that upset me, never happened.  Most of all, if I dated anyone in 2010, guess what??? It NEVER happened.  Nope.  Completely blocked out from my memory.  2011 would be all about a fresh start, having fun, having adventures, and NOT looking back.  With that said, I celebrated New Years Eve with my friends, some new and some old, and felt the poison of the previous year slip away at midnight.


January first I spent with Donnie Wahlberg.  No, I’m serious.  This is the way I saw it: the only way to completely purge my soul of any “normie” presense (Note: Normie describes a guy who is a liar, cheat, whore, selfish, prick, asshole, etc etc etc.  A guy who seems to be the “norm”. ) was to have it exorcised by a rockstar.  Donnie was having this “Day One” party at Mohegan Sun so Angie and I packed our hungover selves and headed to Connecticut.  My first kiss of 2011 was from a member of New Kids on The Block. (Get your minds out of the gutter!  It was very innocent and trust me…anyone who asked got one. lol)  THAT is the ONLY way to celebrate the first day of the new year.

Donnie and I at the "Day One" party

January is definitely a haze for me. However, in between the girl’s nights and endless happy hours and basketball games, I managed to get that music website up and running.

Ladies and gents, I would like to present to you the official website of the Plastics,  For all music reviews, band promotions, musician interviews; please visit and poke around a bit.  It is still in its beginning stages but I am very proud of it.  All the girls are working hard and it really could be something grand if we put our minds to it.



February brought my dear Katie to me from cheery ole London.  Katie is a fellow groupie and probably more of a free spirited soul than I am.  We saw all the great music sites (strawberry fields, the former home of TRL, the Dakota), did some major damage downtown (Really…we bar hopped and while on a ciggie break, SOMEONE got sick on the front steps of the bar.  Very rock and roll), introduced her to cold stone and junior’s cheese cake and FINALLY saw 30 seconds to Mars in concert.  Want to know why men in your local neighborhood suck???  Well, God spent ALOT of time on the masterpiece that is Jared Joseph Leto.

Katie and I with our backstage passes

Jared Leto in CT


Unfortunately I spent the rest of February sick with the flu that would NOT go away.  I even took a sick day with no musician in sight.


March (as of right now)

It’s been nothing but work work work. Office work and website work.  I conducted my first interview since college with an up and coming singer which was very exciting.  The last time I interviewed someone was probably the Senator of New York for my college paper.  I don’ t think I realized how much a missed it until I started working on the site.  As for my job that provides me the check, things are still rough.  Sometimes it’s so bad that liquor and I really have become best friends.  Other times it’s like a social gathering with the gal pals I have around the office.  No awkward moments to report on.  After all, nothing happened last year and I don’t talk to “normies”.

Oh!  I also went to see Bon Jovi at Madison Square Garden.  ANOTHER reason why the guys in your neightborhood suck.

Well, what’s next?  Is my goal still the same?  The way I see it, the only way to get THAT guy is to make sure I’m okay.  I have to have my ducks in a row and i’m comfortable with everything around me.  I’m following my dreams, I’m hanging with my girls and if he comes around, then he’ll come around.  I’m still on plenty of fish but that’s about it.  I’m planning to do this themed speed dating that caters to “girls who like accidents”. (whatever, blame it on Jim Sturgees and Gerard Butler)  Oh, and of course there is St Patrick’s Day on Thursday.

So for all the old readers still around, get ready for some fun times ahead.  For all you newbies, forgive my ramblings from time to time.  In the words of Bon Jovi “Buckle up, baby, its a bumpy ride.”